Thursday, January 26, 2012

POLITICO: "Citizen's United v. FEC decision proves justice is blind--POLITICALLY"

As an avid follower of, I get unusually excited about opinion contributers. This article should be intriguing to all who are interested in Constitutional Law and the future of the Supreme Court in this country. Only week after Nina Totenberg's enlightening Common Hour on the Supreme Court, this article by Jeffrey Rosen provides another facet to Totenberg's discussion; how political knowledge can benefit a politically naive court.

Rosen argues that today's Supreme Court is out of the touch with the nature of today's politics as well as how our country functions politically. He writes that the Supreme Court is essentially naive about how their decisions affects our country politically, and most importantly how America's feel about their politial system. Rosen addresses the two year anniversary of the Supreme Court's Citizen's United v. FEC decision, and writes that the case was "remarkable for its combination of judicial overconfidence and political cluelessness".

Start your day with a little judicial controversy. And some orange juice.

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